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What’s In Store For Oracle In 2013?

As the 2012 year draws to a close, many IT industry professionals are looking back at just everything Oracle has managed to accomplish. Not only were they able to go above and beyond what analysts were expecting, but they also acquired numerous companies that strengthened their overall portfolio. Some of the Oracle acquisitions which took place in 2012 include Eloqua, DataRaker, Instantis, SelectMinds, Xsigo Systems, Skire, Involver, Collective Intellect, Virtue, ClearTrial and Taleo. While we know that 2012 was an incredible year for Oracle, that leaves the question of what’s in store for 2013. Here we’ll take a closer look at Oracle’s direction for 2013 and reveal some of the predictions made by analysts.

Cloud Computing

We can only speculate what Oracle’s plans are for the upcoming 2013 year, but there’s one thing we know for sure – Oracle is taking a strong approach on towards cloud computing, which seems to be where a lot of data storage and processing is now taking place. Instead of forcing companies and businesses to use local servers where their data is vulnerable to hackers, thieves and crashes, they can store it remotely on the internet through cloud computing. In the last few years, more and more companies have looked towards cloud computing for a safer and more effective alternative to traditional servers.

Oracle has taken the initiative to become a leader in cloud computing services, and it’s likely they will continue to solidify their presence in this industry. Going back to the 2012 acquisitions listed above, Oracle has purchased several companies simply because they offer cloud computing services. They know that it’s only going to grow larger and more comprehensive in the following years, which is why they want to make a name for themselves as a trusted leader in cloud computing services. In fact, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has even come out to publicly acknowledge their presence in cloud computing.

Mobile Applications

Another area of expertise that Oracle will likely focus on during the 2013 year is mobile applications. According to some estimates, there are roughly 1 billion smart phones in the world, which is a staggering number no matter how you look at it. Oracle has already jumped on the mobile bandwagon by creating and offering several unique applications related to their services. Some of these apps are designed to make data processing easier, while others are used for shopping portals. In 2013, we’ll likely see Oracle push forward with a greater amount of mobile applications designed for Android and iOS based smart phones.
