
Breaking News & Practical Tech Tips

Oracle Acquires DataRaker

Last week, Oracle announced plans to purchase DataRaker for an undisclosed amount. Although Oracle has purchased nearly a dozen companies this year alone, this is the first acquisition of a company in the water and energy sector. Unless you knew otherwise, one might assume this acquisition to be a mistake on Oracle’s part. After all, how is an energy company going to improve Oracle’s portfolio and long-term goals? Like all of their business endeavours

Oracle Boosts Cloud Portolio With Instantis Acquisition

Last week, Oracle announced their latest acquisition of Instantis for an undisclosed amount to the press. This should come as no surprise to those who are familiar with Oracle’s business plan of widening their reach of cloud-based computing. Just a little over three months ago, Oracle purchased Skire, which is a company that handles operations similar to Instantis. Both of these companies have a strong footing in the cloud-based computing industry, and Oracle hopes these additions to their

Oracle Purchases SelectMinds

Last week, Oracle took another bold step in the direction of employee-recruitment software with their acquisition of SelectMinds. If you’ve kept up with Oracle’s acquisitions this year, you may remember the earlier purchase of Taleo. Well, it’s believed that SelectMinds and Taleo will both skyrocket Oracle into the employee-recruitment sector, with them being able to offer companies top-of-the-line software that no one else has. Of course any acquisition for Oracle is usually a good thing,

2012 Oracle Acquisitions

In the past, we’ve done some blog posts covering a few of Oracle’s acquisitions and what kind of impact it made on the company. As you probably know, Oracle is constantly buying up companies to help increase their productivity and overall presence in the data managing field. Here we’ll take a closer look at all of acquisitions made by Oracle in 2012 (thus far).


The first acquisition made by Oracle this year was Taleo for $1.9
