
Breaking News & Practical Tech Tips

App Developers Begin Work on Upcoming iPhone 6

It seems like it’s only been months since Apple released their last iPhone, but the company is already allowing developers to work on creating apps and programs for their upcoming iPhone 6. As most people already know, apps are essentially what runs Apple products, the iPhone included. Without them, there’s no question that Apple devices would be dead in the water with Google’s Android surpassing them. Of course the big wigs over at Apple Inc. aren’t

Oracle Framework Now Available For Android and Apple

Earlier last week, Oracle announced the general available of their Application Development Framework (ADF) for iOS and Android smart phone users. This was welcomed news by most industry professionals, as Oracle has yet to provide a mobile ADF application that’s available on the smart phone. Now, however, Oracle ADF users can access and manager their accounts from using an otherwise application on their phone. Whether you’re sitting on the couch, riding a bus or flying on a plane, you can manage
