
Breaking News & Practical Tech Tips

Why Your Business Needs Shopping Cart Software

Web based sales (or ecommerce) has never been more important in the world of business today. Ecommerce solutions are in hot demand by businesses of all shapes and sizes. After all, it just makes sense. In 2011 for example, about $1.1 trillion in retail sales were “web-influenced.” That is a huge market, and it is only getting larger. By next year, more than half of all retail purchases made in the United States will come from online shopping — and that’s only retail! As a result, businesses

Content Management Systems: What You Should Know

As the world moves toward greater dependency on the Internet, businesses across the United States are relying on online portals to conduct their business and communicate with customers. These online portal handle everything from keeping inventory and tax forms to employee information and business transactions. One kind of portal that is very popular is a web application. Web applications allow employees and employers to access company information by using

Consider Content Management Tools For Your Business

Nowadays, a robust online presence is simply a must for any successful business. First impressions matter, which is why a company’s website should wow any user who sees it for the first time. There is no better way to market a brand than going online. Of course, building a website and other online components (such as social media accounts and advertisements) is hard work and is constantly changing. Now that websites are expected to be mobile friendly

What Are Web Portals and What Can They Do For Your Business?

If your business offers multiple services on the web, it may be time to consolidate. Developing a web portal is a great way to organize information and structure your business’s services into a clean, well-designed system. Web portals can include search engines and other internet tools, including email services, news, stock reports, and various sites and services owned by you or another company.

Organizing information in this manner is the best

Why is an eCommerce Solution Important?

Did you know, according to NBC News, 131 million Americans, just about half of the nation’s population, shopped online on Black Friday 2013? While traditionally popular brick-and-mortar stores failed to meet even the most basic sales expectations, many online retailers posted record-setting profits. Take Best Buy, for example: for years, the electronics and entertainment retail giant has made out like a bandit around the holidays. However, according to CNN, the company

Learn How Hosted CMSs Improve Businesses

Two of the biggest concerns of any business today are cost reduction and productivity management. Storing data on site, as will be seen, is one of the largest costs any business contends with in this increasingly digital age. Productivity issues, another huge concern for businesses, costs almost 10% of total salary expenditures, according to Network World. Luckily, hosted content management systems can help with both of those issues.

What Are Hosted Content Management Systems?


Ever Wondered What Magento Is? Wonder No Longer.

“What is Magento?” only to get a blank stare, a noncommittal shrug, or a confused “I dunno”? Well, you are in luck. Because you finally found a resource that is going to answer that question for you. You no longer need to rely on someone else to give you a half-hearted, mostly false, answer. Now you can provide the correct answer, the first time it is asked. And you can be the life of the party when some poor soul asks “What is Magento?”

Magento is a feature-rich ecommerce solution.

Keep Track of Operations with Referral Management Software

A company that specializes in referral management software or custom application development (also known as custom software), should be able to provide software that is tailor made for their customers particular needs. Referral management software is used by doctors, dentists and other professionals that deal with their patients in an quick and efficient manner. Since the FDA is now focused on tightening regulatory oversight in the world of medical device

Use the Right Software to Keep Your Business Organized

One of the best ways for a business to become successful and establish itself as a Fortune 500 company is to be unique and find ways to stand out from the crowd. Paradoxically, there is something that many unique businesses have in common. Over three quarters (78 percent) of all Fortune 500 companies use SharePoint CRM programs to stay organized and provide a better experience for customers. As of 2009, the software generated 1.3 billion dollars in revenue.
