
Breaking News & Practical Tech Tips

Why Your Business Needs Shopping Cart Software

Web based sales (or ecommerce) has never been more important in the world of business today. Ecommerce solutions are in hot demand by businesses of all shapes and sizes. After all, it just makes sense. In 2011 for example, about $1.1 trillion in retail sales were “web-influenced.” That is a huge market, and it is only getting larger. By next year, more than half of all retail purchases made in the United States will come from online shopping — and that’s only retail! As a result, businesses

Magento: E-Commerce at Its Best

E-commerce is one of the most important aspects of business today. It’s increasingly difficult for a business to avoid having some kind of online presence. Even if a company doesn’t sell anything online, seldom will companies deliberately not set up some kind of some online presence: a homepage, a social media account, etc. Companies of all kinds regardless of their size are jumping at the opportunity to take advantage of the many e-commerce tools

Two Resolutions Business Owners Need To Make In 2015

Individuals aren’t the only ones who should be making — and keeping! — New Year’s resolutions. The new year is also a critical time for businesses to reassess their prospects, financials, and, most importantly, their customer relationship management process. Attracting new customers and maintaining old ones is the key to success. Here a few things you can resolve to do in the new year to keep customers happy and coming back.

Respect Customers’ Preferences More customers

How to Use Web Design to Increase Ecommerce Sales

Your company’s website is becoming a client’s first impression of your business more and more often, and 75% of users admit that they judge a company’s credibility based on how their website is designed.

When it comes to ecommerce websites, losing those first impressions can make or break a company’s sales numbers. So how can you tailor your ecommerce web design to

Ten Reasons to Make Ecommerce a Priority for Your Business

With mobile traffic skyrocketing, it is more important than ever for ecommerce websites to have a user-friendly mobile version of their website, in order to keep their customers happy. Mobile traffic accounts for 13% of Internet traffic around the world, and 80% of time spent on mobile devices is spent inside mobile applications. The increase is not exclusive to smartphones, either: 72% of tablet owners are

Three Ways You Can Improve Your eCommerce Options

Did you know that the eCommerce global market has now surpassed a trillion dollars? In the next several years, growth is expected to continue, as more industries offer internet-friendly purchasing options, and as more consumers use computers, tablets and smartphones to do shopping and purchasing for themselves and their families.

What exactly do consumers want in an eCommerce website? You can think of your website as the equivalent of a brick-and-mortar store. Every store can start out

Why is an eCommerce Solution Important?

Did you know, according to NBC News, 131 million Americans, just about half of the nation’s population, shopped online on Black Friday 2013? While traditionally popular brick-and-mortar stores failed to meet even the most basic sales expectations, many online retailers posted record-setting profits. Take Best Buy, for example: for years, the electronics and entertainment retail giant has made out like a bandit around the holidays. However, according to CNN, the company
