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Three Tips for Finding a World-class Sitecore Developer

If you’ve been looking for the best content management tools to improve your business website, increase conversions, and drive potential revenue, it’s no wonder you’ve found your way to Sitecore. Hugely successful companies from around the world have used and continue to use Sitecore to offer their customers the very best eCommerce websites. According to, Revlon, Crayola, American Express, and a laundry list of other businesses use Sitecore developers to take their online presence to the next level, giving themselves the chance to tap into the $1.25 trillion that Internet Retailer estimates is spent on eCommerce every year.

As with anything else, having a Sitecore website and having an effective, useful Sitecore website are two very different things. If you want to truly harness the power of this CMS software, you need to find a Sitecore developer who can fulfill your needs.

How to Find the Best Sitecore Developers

  • Know What You Want Ahead of Time
    You will never be able to find a Sitecore developer who meets your standards unless you know what you want ahead of time. No developer, regardless of their skills, can read your mind. If, for example, you want a smoother eCommerce interface or topically categorized merchandise, these are things you need to tell your Sitecore developer right away.
  • Ask to See Samples of Their Work
    Bloomberg Businessweek writes that one of the best ways to find a web developer, whether they work with Sitecore or otherwise, is to ask for samples of their work. You need to be sure that your Sitecore developer can do what they claim, and checking out past projects is the single best way to do so.
  • Where Do Their Past Projects Stand in Search Results?
    Ranking highly in Google search results, as Search Engine Journal writes, shows that a website offers great content, easy usability, and high overall utility to web surfers. After you receive samples of your developer’s past work, look at where those projects fall in Google’s search results. If they’re ranked highly, that could be a direct reflection of the quality work the developer did on a given site.

Having a high quality website is the key to attracting the attention of the two billion people whom Internet World Stats estimates are now online. With these tips, you can make sure the Sitecore developer you choose can bring your business success in the Internet Age.
