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Ten Reasons to Make Ecommerce a Priority for Your Business

With mobile traffic skyrocketing, it is more important than ever for ecommerce websites to have a user-friendly mobile version of their website, in order to keep their customers happy. Mobile traffic accounts for 13% of Internet traffic around the world, and 80% of time spent on mobile devices is spent inside mobile applications. The increase is not exclusive to smartphones, either: 72% of tablet owners are purchasing online from their tablets each week. With the increasing use of mobile devices for ecommerce, companies would be doing themselves a disservice by not focusing on their mobile presence.

Ecommerce may be more important than you realize. Take a look at these statistics and you’ll see that ecommerce is growing, and will only become more and more important over time. It’s important for ecommerce websites to keep up with the trends, to make sure they are able to satisfy their growing online customer base. Here are several current stats you should know:

  1. Ecommerce generates $1.2 million every 30 seconds
  2. 10% of U.S. smartphone users have made a purchase on their device within the last three months.
  3. Ecommerce will account for 4% of U.S. grocery sales in 2014, and this number is expected to increase to 11-17% by 2023.
  4. 79% of U.S. shoppers spend at least 50% of their shopping time online.
  5. Global mobile app revenues are expected to exceed $30 billion this year.
  6. 71% of shoppers believe they will find better deals online than in stores.
  7. 52% of tablet users prefers to shop on their tablet than their PC.
  8. 43% of consumers will turn to a competitor’s site after a negative mobile shopping experience.
  9. 41% of buyers won’t complete a purchase on a mobile device if it’s too difficult to enter credit card information.
  10. 47% of buyers will give up on a purchase if the mobile checkout process takes too long.
  11. 51% of consumers have not completed a purchase on a mobile site because they did not feel comfortable entering their credit card information.

Ecommerce websites are becoming more and more popular, and especially as we come into the holiday season, it is more important than ever to have the right shopping cart software, and the best ecommerce web design. Good ecommerce designers know what will set a good design apart from the rest, and will provide a positive, easy-to-use experience for customers.
