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Oracle Team USA Seeks a High Tech Edge in America’s Cup

Oracle Team USA has announced their plans to use high-tech wifi and other technology on their yacht to give themselves an edge over their opponent in the 2013 America’s Cup. Oracle Team USA are the defending champions who will go up against an international team next year. To learn more about this exciting and competitive yacht race, keep reading.

What is America’s Cup?

America’s Cup is one of the oldest international sports to date in which two teams race one another using their yacht. The original America’s Cup race was done in 1851 and won by Schooner America. After winning the race, Schooner America donated the trophy to the New York Yacht Club (NYYC). It’s important to note that the location of the America’s Cup changes from year-to-year. In 1851, the two competing teams raced around Isle of Wright. In the upcoming 2013 America’s Cup, the race is scheduled to take place off the waters of San Fransisco, California.

About Oracle Team USA

Earlier today, Oracle Team USA announced that Ruckus Wireless will be their official sponsor. As you may already know, Ruckus Wireless is a company that specializes in state-of-the-art wifi and wireless technology. Oracle Team USA intends on using this as an advantage by equipping their 42 and 75-foot catamarans with high-speed wifi technology designed by Ruckus. Unlike traditional wifi, Ruckus Wireless uses Smart-Wifi technology that’s intended to bounce off obstacles, increasing reliable, strength and overall performance.

You might be wondering just how in the world wifi technology will benefit Oracle Team USA. Well, yacht racing is all about reading measurements and gauges to determine the best course of action. In order to respond to these gauges, data must be transmitted to the crew members throughout the vessel, which is where wifi comes into play. Once the gauges read things like wind, sea depth and temperature, it will transmit this data to the crew members via wifi.

Before the data is sent to the wireless devices of the crew members, it’s first transmitted to a local server. Once here, it’s saved on the hard drive and then trasmitted throughout the vessel, allowing members to see first-hand just what’s going on.

Lets keep out fingers crossed that Oracle Team USA can hold onto the champion title for America’s Cup. With the technology and skilled crew members they’re using, I would say they have a pretty good chance. Of course the race is nearly a year away, so there’s plenty of time to train and prepare as well.
