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Oracle Releases New Product For Indian Market

Yesterday, Oracle announced the launch of their Exalytics software intended to strengthen their hold in India markets. Although Oracle’s new software has many functions, its primary goal is to help businesses and enterprises use better analytics to make smarter moves. As you may already know, better analytics is one of the keys to running a successfully business, which is what Oracle is trying to do with their Exalytics software. So, just what can we expect after the launch of Oracle’s new software? Keep reading and we’ll take a deeper look at Exalytics and how it can improve functions for many businesses.

What is Exalytics?

As stated above, Exalytics is aimed to help businesses and enterprises in India markets to create better analytics, which in turn allows them to make better decisions across the board. Essentially, it does this by securely storing information in a database with plenty of room for modifications and growth. This isn’t the first database option offered on the market, but it’s certainly one of the most stable, and it’s capable of analyzing huge amount of data. Indian companies with thousands of different clients will likely need a large-scale database capable of handling a heavy load of information. Thankfully, Oracle’s new Exalytics offers just that – a smart and efficient way to manage large amount of data securely.

You might be surprised to hear that Oracle’s Exalytics software is capable of storing terabyte and even petabyte amounts of information for clients. For individuals, this amount of type might seem almost incomprehensible to achieve. However, businesses and companies oftentimes use much more than this trying to store client files, media projects and records for all their past business dealings.

Oracle spokesperson Scott Tunbridge released a statement to the press saying “Oracle has architected Oracle Exalytics to deliver high performance analysis, modelling and planning with reduced deployment complexity and lower total cost of ownership.”

Business analystis are saying that Oracle’s decision to create and launch Exalytics was a smart move that opened up a whole new world of possibilities for the company. In the past, India has suffered from a lack of suitable database storage options. Oracle identified this problem and began working on a solution – Exalytics software. After months of research and development, they were finally able to release the software yesterday, making it available to any businesses who required a smarter method of data storage. Of course there are still some bugs to work out, but this can be expected with any new software release.
