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Oracle Open World 2012 – What To Expect

With September right around the corner, IT professionals and enthusiasts everywhere are gearing up for Oracle’s annual Open World conference. As you can expect, there’s going to be tons of features and products highlighted here, so you’ll want to register now. In addition to reserving your spot, an early registration will save you as much as $500. To learn more about Open World and how you can attend, keep reading.

What is Open World?

Open World is the world’s largest conference held for Oracle customers, professionals and IT enthusiasts. While the content varies from year-to-year, most of them feature a number of keynote speakers, presentations and demonstrations. Whether you’re an IT professional or someone whose looking to learn the ropes, chances are you’ll benefit from attending Oracle’s Open World.

Open World 2012

No one know for sure what Oracle is going to be announcing at the upcoming Open World, but some analysts are predicting a preview of their new database. Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has already announced a new and improved database to be revealed in the fourth quarter of 2012. Although it hasn’t happened yet, some people believe Open World is the perfect platform for showcasing the new database. This alone could make the price of admission well worth your time.

Benefits of Attending Open World

If you haven’t had the opportunity to attend Open World in the previous years, you missed on quite possibly the world’s best tech conference. There are hundreds of booths set up with sponsors and companies showcasing some of their tech products. However, Open World is much more than that, it’s also a chance to network with others in the same industry as yourself. Finding others to talk to and share ideas can become difficult, but Open World makes it easy. Most of the people attending are looking to network and converse with people just like you, so take advantage of this by opening up and letting loose.

The greatest benefit that comes from attending Open World is the conferences and presentations done by Oracle. You’ll be on the front-line of the world’s most innovate technology, seeing it before the rest of the public does. You can then use this knowledge to further your skills or proficiency in whatever industry you’re in.

The steep price of admission for Open World can sometimes turn people away. One way around this is to ask your boss to pay for your ticket. Because it’s an industry learning event, there’s a good chance he may say yes.
