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Oracle Leaks Sales Document

Earlier this year, you may recall the acquisition of human resource management group Taleo by Oracle. The company was believed to have been purchased for a whopping $1.9 billion by Oracle, which makes it one of their largest to date. Now that Oracle owns Taleo, they’re looking for ways to sell it to potential clients and business. In an effort to accomplish these sales, they’ve created a 48-page pdf sales guide for their employees to use. However, this document was accidentally posted on their website for the public to access and download. Although it’s since been taken down, there are still several copies floating around the internet.

Consequences of This Leak

You might be wondering just what the consequences of this leak are for Oracle. Well, the leaked document contains pricing information for the Taleo software, as well as how much Oracle is willing to discount potential clients. Common sense should tell you that this type of information can be used by clients to negotiate lower prices for themselves, therefore decreasing the profits of Oracle. Instead of settling for the first price they hear, customers will know exactly what price Oracle is willing to offer them for the Taleo software.

Details of The Document

You might be wondering just what the consequences of this leak are for Oracle. Well, the leaked document contains pricing information for the Taleo software, as well as how much Oracle is willing to discount potential clients. Common sense should tell you that this type of information can be used by clients to negotiate lower prices for themselves, therefore decreasing the profits of Oracle. Instead of settling for the first price they hear, customers will know exactly what price Oracle is willing to offer them for the Taleo software.

