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Oracle Agrees To Nokia Mapping Deal

In a move that surprised analysts across the world, cell phone maker Nokia announced plans to team up with Oracle to give customers a better overall experience on their Nokia cellular devices. The news came early Monday morning when a spokesperson for Oracle made an announcement to the press regarding the company’s plans to team up with Nokia at OpenWorld. If you’re interested in learning more about this deal and how it will affect Oracle customers, keep reading and we’ll give you the latest scoop on it.

About The Deal

So, just what exactly is Nokia doing teaming up with Oracle? Looking at this deal from the outside, you might not understand why a cell phone maker would want to team up with the leading database and IT giant Oracle. Well, Nokia plans to offer Oracle customers access to their huge database of maps and location services. As you may already know, Nokia has one of the largest databases of maps and location services. Instead of limiting this valuable information to Nokia customers, they’ve teamed up with Oracle to offer it to a broader list of clients.

Oracle plans to offer Nokia’s locational and mapping service to their customers through their broad list of applications. As it stands now, many Oracle apps are already integrated with Nokia services, so the transition should be rather smooth given the circumstances. Of course this will make things easier to Oracle users, as they won’t be required to download and install two different applications to run Nokia’s services. Instead, they can just run them through the corresponding Oracle application.

Details regarding the Nokia and Oracle still need to be ironed out, but it sounds like everything is on track. If you’re an Oracle customer, be on the lookout for Nokia products and services integrated into Oracle apps.

News of the deal first struck Monday morning on the first day of OpenWorld. This annual event hosted by Oracle is one of the largest IT conferences in the world, drawing crowds well into the thousands. This year, OpenWorld is being held in San Francisco on October 1, 2 and 3. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to get the “early bird” ticket deals, but you can pay full price if you’re eager to check it out. One of the great things about attending OpenWorld is the information and industry news you’ll hear. Companies use OpenWorld as a platform to announce deals, plans and other news for the first time, allowing you to hear it first.
