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Medical Software Development Can Change the Face of Healthcare

Why is it important for healthcare providers to use updated content management systems for data storage, hospital communication, and keeping track of patients? The reality is that in the modern world, adequate portal integration is necessary for assisting workflow management and quick communication of data.

A Real World Example of the Impact Medical Software Development Can Have

According to The State, Virginia is hurrying to implement an online psychiatric bed registry after a state lawmaker was stabbed by his son in their home. After stabbing his father, Senator Creigh Deeds, Austin Deeds killed himself. This occurred only hours after he was released from emergency custody when no psychiatric bed could be found. This case definitely helps to illustrate how medical software development is an essential and integral part of modern healthcare.

Website Content Management Systems Change the Healthcare Industry

Blog TechVibes predicts that, along with Bitcoin, the commercialization of healthcare is going to be a big tech trend to watch for 2014. By commercialization, they mean that medical software development services will contribute to dramatic changes in the industry. In addition to lowering the cost of care, these changes could help to connect patients and their doctors so that they can more easily share important health information with one another. “Technical innovation can… in some cases, literally mean the difference between life and death,” the blog points out.

Web Application Design Affected Obamacare

The government’s healthcare website woes illustrates why web application development services in the healthcare world matter. It took until December for the website to finally reach two million subscribers, not quite at the administration’s end-of-year goal of three million. Because of issues with the website and errors in information provided to consumers, “it remains unclear whether last-minute enrollees will encounter a seamless experience” if they try to make use of their benefits in January, notes the Huffington Post. The website’s first month was rife with user navigability issues.

What are your thoughts regarding the importance of web application development in the healthcare industry? Let us know in the comments.
