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How to Use Web Design to Increase Ecommerce Sales

Your company’s website is becoming a client’s first impression of your business more and more often, and 75% of users admit that they judge a company’s credibility based on how their website is designed.

When it comes to ecommerce websites, losing those first impressions can make or break a company’s sales numbers. So how can you tailor your ecommerce web design to make sure you maximize sales potential?

Make Things Easier for Visitors
Most ecommerce designers will tell you that a lengthy sign-up form can be a surefire way to make customers give up before they even start shopping. You don’t need to know every detail about a person before they order from you. Usually you can just start with a password and email address and get the rest later. Still, it doesn’t hurt to have the option to register. A well-designed call to action or signup button can help with conversion rates, and with a button, visitors are knowingly opting into a longer registration process.

It’s also a good idea to incorporate the option to purchase without registering, at least at first. Many online shoppers purchase online because it’s faster and more convenient, so the last thing they usually want to do is fill out your lengthy registration forms. Make sure to incorporate shopping cart software that lets shoppers checkout as guests, and offer registration after the purchase if you want.

Have a Good Search Function
Ecommerce designers usually emphasize the need for good search functionality in ecommerce website design software. Again, convenience and speed are very important to online shoppers, so they’ll usually want to be able to search your site for a specific item or category rather than sorting through pages of results. Incorporating an effective search function is a great way to retain shoppers.

Incorporate a Blog
This is something you can usually do without the help of ecommerce designers, though it doesn’t hurt to have their input. Blogs may not directly help with sales, but they help customers find you through search engines. Blogs provide websites with 434% more search-engine-indexed pages and 97% more indexed links. Updating with fresh content like gift-buying guides and tips can be a great way to draw in potential shoppers.

Contact an ecommerce designer and see what else they can do for your website!
