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How Digital Marketing Trends Are Changing the Interface of Healthcare

The importance of staying in tune with current trends is more evident now than ever. Medical offices are using social media and digital marketing to extend their reach. Aside from saving money and time, staying up to speed with the latest technology and marketing practices extends your reach to potential consumers.

The Digital Age has changed how medical offices interact with patients. This is evident in a new study that found that 77% of patients use a search engine when booking an appointment. With all the possibilities surrounding social media and healthcare website design, patients are more likely to find and interact with you.

Social Media: Originally intended for connecting with friends, social media has become a great channel for businesses to connect with current and potential consumers. Having updated and consistent social media profiles is the best way to maintain a strong presence online.

Physician Website Design: While devoting time and resources to building a professional website may seem misguided, it can actually be a deciding factor for some potential patients. 3/4 of users say they judge a company’s credibility based on their website. If it doesn’t look professional and well-kept, they will assume the company isn’t either. When it comes to physician website design, be sure your practice makes a great first impression. While the website design process can be an undertaking, websites for doctors provide a great opportunity for medical offices to connect with patients.

SEO: While having updated social media profiles and a site that utilizes functional website design is a huge step in the right direction, it can become a moot point without applying SEO. A recent survey of marketers working for healthcare organizations found that 90% don’t believe their organizations have marketers with sufficient digital skills. Without proper knowledge and utilization of SEO, patients won’t be able to easily find your website or social media profiles.

Do you work for a healthcare organization that has a weak online presence? Do you believe social media and SEO for websites are good resources for healthcare organizations? Sound off in the comments below!
