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Always Ask This Before Hiring Custom Software Developers

In 2016, companies that never thought they would need a digital presence are suddenly waking up. Even businesses that do most of their work face to face are discovering how crucial an online presence is in the 21st century. And we’re not simply talking about the website design process. Today, countless companies are investing in custom mobile application development, custom software, and other vital web development services.

Of course, that means there has also been an explosion in the number of boutique firms offering custom software development. And too often a company hires custom software developers only to find that their chosen firm has over promised and under delivered, wasting valuable time and money on an app or product that ultimately hurts their brand. Anyone can buy a website, hire a couple of programmers, and claim to offer boutique custom software development or custom web application development services.

So how do you know that the developers you’ve hired are the real deal?

Always, always, always check a custom software development firm’s references and client portfolio before hiring them. While this might seem obvious, companies without much technology experience can be taken in by a good salesperson with a flashy website and killer proposal, even if their actual development skills are sorely lacking. The developer may even genuinely believe they can handle the job.

In reality, developing a custom mobile application, video game, or custom software is an extremely complicated process and one that requires years of experience. That means the custom software development firm you hire should have extensive experience working with household name companies. They should have a proven track record, history, and process of taking projects through the idea phase to development to launch pipeline, repeatedly.

Today, the number of smartphone users is growing by 42% annually. Young people spend an average of two hours a day on their devices and use an average of six apps. And when using computers or devices, consumers expect engaging content, be it in an app or video (which receives 267% more links than regular content posts).

To survive, companies need to know how to engage with consumers in these spaces, and often that means developing custom software or apps. So if you’re considering hiring an employee to handle these new technology needs, then perhaps it’s time to consider the benefits of custom software development instead.
