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7 Signs It’s Time to Call an IT Consultant

If you’re in the office, take a look around you. You’re surrounded by technology.

Computers, desk phones, printers – we use them daily in the workplace, but would you feel confident fixing them if there was a problem?

IT solutions aren’t easy to found, but there is an alternative to doing it yourself. Hiring an independent IT consultant can help supercharge IT efficiency in your organization.

Not convinced? Here are 7 signs you should look out for to help you decide whether to hire an IT consultant or not.

Struggling with Purchasing Decisions

What does an IT consultant do? They’re helpful in resolving problems, but what about planning ahead to prevent problems? Buying the right equipment can prevent a long history of future IT issues.

A consultant can help you with your organization’s strategic IT plans. They can guide you in choosing the right equipment and software for the most efficient working environment for you and your staff.

Consider the problem of smartphones.

Should you buy Android, or go for Apple? They have their pros and cons, but Apple’s infrastructure is more restrictive and not always the most compatible with existing Windows-based systems.

That doesn’t mean they’re not a good choice, but you can avoid potential issues with the support of an information technology consultant who can help you plan around these issues.

Problems Aren’t Getting Fixed

Of course, preventing problems isn’t always possible. Without IT support, who are you going to turn to if the printer stops working, or your PC won’t start?

A consultant in IT can help you respond to critical outages, no matter the size. One PC that doesn’t boot up could be a minor inconvenience. A large ransomware attack is not, and could put your entire operation out of action.

Without IT support already in place, you could be facing a high bill for an emergency response.

But don’t dismiss the problems that even small problems, like a printer not working, can bring. These problems can add up and increase the cost of repair or labor.

If you find that you’re having ever-increasing numbers of IT issues, a consultant on the payroll might prove to be more efficient.

Risk or Impact of Data Loss

When you think of business assets, you might think of property or equipment. That assessment should include data, especially given that around 60% of businesses will collapse within 6 months of a data breach.

You’re working with data every day. Healthcare businesses, for instance, are reliant on data for their entire business model.

Part of the job of a consultant in IT is helping organizations like yours prepare and safeguard against risks to your data.

They can help you organize sufficient backup systems for your data, as well as prepare protection from hackers. They can also help you analyze the impact that data loss could have on your own business. This helps you make important costing decisions for the solutions you will need.

A consultant in IT can help you prepare for the risk of data loss, as well as get you back on track if the worst occurs.

Keeping Ahead with Technological Advancements

Do you have the time or interest to keep up to date with the latest technological advancements?

There can sometimes be synergy between business and technology that can help you keep track of new innovations, but you can’t always rely on that. With a consultant on your side, however, you don’t need to worry.

It’s the bread and butter of a consultant in IT to know the latest developments and has experience with the latest technology. They’re also going to know when something becomes obsolete that could be costly for your organization.

The Windows XP operating system offers a good warning. It’s two decades old, and yet 7% of PCs worldwide are still running it.

Companies that are still reliant on Windows XP are at significant risk of malicious hacking. The software no longer receives even critical security updates from Microsoft.

Technology is always evolving, and as our Windows example proves, you don’t want to behind the times. Thanks to a consultant, you wouldn’t be.

Cost Cutting

There is often a temptation to cut back on IT investment, especially if your organization isn’t focused on IT. Doing so could be a mistake, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make efficiencies in IT.

If you need to make those efficiencies, don’t cut back your IT staffing costs. Outsourcing to an IT consultancy or freelance consultant could actually save you money in the long run.

We already raised the possibility of a large bill for an emergency callout if you don’t already have IT support. You can avoid this with a consultant on call.

It could also be cheaper than hiring full-time IT support staff. Rather than playing for their salary for an entire year, you can pay for the support as and when you need it.


You wouldn’t hire a plumber to rewire your electrics. Sure, they might have talent know the basics, but are they experienced enough to do the job?

Simply, no. And you should use that same judgment for your IT support.

You might have the talent and know the basics, but neither you or your colleagues are likely to have the same experience that comes with hiring a contractor in IT.

It’s their career. They’re going to know IT systems inside and out, and it’s that experience you’re paying for. That experience can help you streamline the efficiency of IT systems in your organization.

If you’re looking for the benefit of experience, outsourcing to an independent IT consultant could make the difference. Here are 14 other reasons to consider outsourcing your IT needs.

Productivity Issues

If you’re finding that you and your employees are dealing with IT problems often, you’re losing valuable hours.

Hiring a consultant could solve the problem.

You’re won’t have to spend an hour getting the printer to work, you just have to call out your consultant for help. You’re not employed to be an IT expert, so why should you be wasting your time?

And it’s time wasted that’s the real drain on your organization’s resources. If staff members aren’t working their roles to fix IT issues, then productivity is going to fall. Those wasted hours can be costly over the course of a month or year, especially with tight deadlines and fine profit margins to consider.

Outsourcing could get your productivity back on track. Take a look at the IT service plans we offer to see what services your organization would need.

Hire An IT Consultant and Make a Difference

Hiring an IT consultant can fix a lot of the problems involved in running an office reliant on IT.

Without IT support, you’re going to be struggling to deal with problems like data loss that can be devastating to a business. The right consultant can resolve these, bringing you the benefit of their experience at a reasonable cost.

If it’s time to hire a consultant, hire the best. Check out the IT consulting services we could offer your organization.
