
Breaking News & Practical Tech Tips

The Ultimate Azure Migrate Planning and Checklist

Did you know that Microsoft has well over 100 data centers that serve over 140 countries worldwide?

Every time a new data center is opened, nearby customer accounts are migrated to its servers. This ensures that customers are always connected to the closest center.

As more and more data centers are opened, the service

Develop a Fool-Proof Cloud Migration Strategy: 6 Strategies and Tips to Know

There’s a good chance your company already uses cloud technology — around 70% of businesses do. Of those who don’t, over half say they’re looking into cloud migration.

There are

Why AWS? The Benefits of an AWS Migration

Research shows that 80% of businesses are running apps or somehow experimenting with Amazon Web Services (AWS).

More and more enterprises are moving their data and IT infrastructure to cloud-based services. Thanks to this trend, there are more cloud computing services than ever before.

Companies that move to the cloud experience benefits

Why Are Databases Important in Healthcare?

There are many changes taking place in the healthcare sector. One may therefore ask why are databases important? Simple, it’s essential that proper systems are in place to manage the health data.

Healthcare databases are an important part of running the entire operations. Such systems include labs, finances, patient identification, tracking, billing, payments, among others. The reality is that almost everything runs
