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5 of the Best Insurance Website Design Tips You Should Know About

Have you noticed that traffic to your insurance website has lessened lately? Are you wondering where your customers or clients have gone?

The loss of traffic may not be a reflection of your services. It could simply be an issue with your website.

When was the last time you checked on your website? Has it been a while? If it has, you should head there right now.

You want to have the best insurance web site possible. So what might be wrong with your current setup?

There are certain things you absolutely must have if you want your website to be successful. Keep reading for five tips to help you have the best insurance website design possible.

1. Make it Mobile Friendly and Fast

This point cannot be stressed enough. More people access the internet via phone or tablet than a regular desktop computer these days, so you’ve got to cater to them.

You must have a great website for computers, yes. But you also have to make sure your site is easy to use from a mobile device.

Have you tried visiting your own website from your phone? If you haven’t, you should. You’ll quickly be able to tell if your site is optimized for mobile.

Everything should be easy to see and easy to find, and things shouldn’t be crammed together. Your site should automatically change formatting depending on what type of device is accessing it. Otherwise, mobile users will have to zoom in and out, which will certainly annoy them.

Your site also has to be fast, whatever devices people are using to access it. Speed is key in today’s society, and if your website doesn’t have it, it will be left behind. If you want people to stick around, you can’t keep them waiting.

2. Important Information Should be Easy to Find

Whatever services your insurance company offers, the most important information should be the easiest to find. Consider the most obvious things people will come to your site for, then put them front and center.

Insurance documents are likely at the top of the list. Policy documents, insurance cards, and other coverage documents should be easily spotted on your site.

Health insurance providers should make sure customers can easily find out who they can be treated by. They should also include information about their doctors, including reviews, education, and contact information.

Auto insurance companies should make sure quotes are easily available and easy to use.

3. Keep it Simple

When it comes to the visual aspects of your site, you’ve got to keep it simple. Nobody’s going to want to stay on a site that’s crowded and confusing.

Keep your design nice and clean, and don’t be afraid of white space! Your site should be welcoming and easy to navigate.

Make sure you include the basic pages your customers are most likely looking for. These likely include a contact page, testimonials, services, claims, and an “about us” page.

If you have a related blog, feel free to include it, but remember to keep it simple. Take out every element that isn’t essential to the site. The less cluttered your site is, the more comfortable visitors will feel.

4. Costs Should Be Transparent

Whether you offer quotes or show how much a service or procedure will cost, the money factors must be transparent. Finding out the cost of things is likely one of the most common reasons someone will come to your site. Be upfront about it!

Including a cost calculator or projector is a great idea. Make it easy for customers to select the options that apply to them, such as a certain car make and model, or a doctor or office they’d like to use.

Medical cost projections likely can’t be made unless a customer is logged in, but if you offer services that can be accessed by visitors, make sure they have access to financial information.

5. Update Regularly

Now that your site is simple, welcoming, and easy to use, don’t forget to update it! This can’t be stressed enough.

We live in an era of information, and if people can’t find what they want, they aren’t happy. Chances are, if they can, they’ll look for what they want elsewhere if you don’t have it.

Or they’ll end up calling your customer service department, disgruntled because they couldn’t find what they wanted without doing so.

Make sure all important information is up to date, and check it regularly. This includes contact information, quote algorithms, and the services you offer.

If you operate a blog, post fresh content on a regular basis. Even if you don’t have a blog, your site will benefit from facelift from time to time.

You don’t need to change things so drastically that returning visitors are completely lost, but keeping this fresh tells people you’re current and in the game.

If your site is stale and unchanging, there’s a good chance your return visitors may think your company is as well.

Your Best Insurance Website: A Review

In this day and age, you’ve got to have the best insurance website possible. Competition is fierce, especially in the insurance world. If you want people coming back for more, you have to give your visitors a good experience.

If you have an existing website, look it over and consider these tips. If you’re new to the World Wide Web, keep these tips in mind as you design your site.

Whatever stage your website is in, make sure it provides simplicity, good information, and speed, and you’ll likely have your visitors coming back for more.

Do you want personalized marketing solutions for your insurance company? Fill out our contact form today!
