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7 Essential Digital Marketing Tips for Lawyers

Marketing is an essential part of any business model, but it’s not necessarily something you learn in law school. How are you supposed to build an audience of potential clients for your law firm, then? With the help of digital marketing solutions.

Digital marketing is more simple to understand than you may assume. Not to mention, there are plenty of experts out there prepared to take your law firm to the top of a user’s search query. All it takes is the right approach to marketing for law firms, which is actually a mix of a few different digital strategies working together.

To better understand how the world of marketing works, check out the following ways businesses can improve their presence in their target market, whatever that may be.

1. Focus on Your Niche

Speaking of your target market, that’s a great place to start. Take a second to think about the kind of law services you offer. It’s much different to operate in the traffic or immigration space as it is to be a divorce lawyer or a worker’s compensation attorney.

As such, each firm’s attorney internet marketing will vary based on the kind of case they’re trying to work on. Think about your ideal client and the things they may associate with an attorney. These words and phrases are the keywords to focus on when building your website and digital strategy.

Keywords are a fundamental part of SEO. Take your time to research the right keywords for your firm and find opportunities to add them to all your marketing copy in a way that feels natural.

2. Write a Blog

Writing a blog is one of the best ways to make use of keywords and other internet marketing tips. It’s your place to display the kind of expertise you have within certain subjects of law while significantly improving your search performance.

In addition to keyword placement, a blog allows you to maintain a consistent flow of fresh, relevant content. Search bots love that, and they also love a good link building strategy and websites built with many landing pages.

You can choose to write your own blog content in your spare time or outsource the process entirely. The way you create the content is up to you, but there’s no denying how valuable of a tool blogging is.

3. Create Powerful CTAs

Another thing to keep in mind as you’re setting up the blog is your CTA’s – your calls to action. A call to action is what makes a user take the next step in their buying process.

In terms of a law firm, this is what encourages a potential client to contact you about services versus reaching out to another firm. Your CTA can also be as simple as a link leading users to another page on your website, like the FAQs section or the testimonials previous clients have written.

4. Do Some A/B Testing

Think you’ve got everything ready to go? Double-check your web design and overall strategy with A/B testing. This is a tool that tells you what is effective and what could still use some work.

It functions by displaying two kinds of interfaces, which create distinct user experiences. After the test period is over, you’re able to assess the data and see which design created the most interactions. Interactions may be click-through rates, people who contacted you directly, or just the most amount of time spent on a page.

The longer a user stays on your website, and the more pages they check out, the more likely they are to become an actual client. The design that creates such results best is the one you want to move forward with.

5. Make Sure You’re Mobile-Friendly

A/B testing helps you see which kind of web design approach is the right one. But, regardless of how you set everything up, you have to make sure there’s a strong mobile version of your website. Mobile search is taking over traditional desktop queries, and voice search is not too far after it.

To succeed as a law firm now and in the future, you have to keep up with these trends. The best way to do this is by building a responsive website.

Responsive design allows you to maintain the same URL but is still able to fit various screen sizes seamlessly. It makes navigation and loading times simple across all devices.

6. Clean up Title and Meta Tags

So far, all the marketing for lawyers ideas have been focused on on-site optimization. But, there are other things you can do to build a stronger digital marketing strategy, like cleaning up your title tags and meta tags.

Titles and meta tags/descriptions are what show up as the results of a user’s query. Learn to make use of this kind of copy, and watch how your site performance skyrockets. With the use of keywords in the SEO Title and an engaging meta description, you’re going to have better luck beating out the competition as user’s scroll through their search results.

7. Engage with the Local Community

Last but not least, remember there’s a personal side to digital marketing, too. To make the most of your online efforts you have to engage in real-life.

Sponsor local events like fundraisers or 5Ks. Use print marketing like billboards and business cards in addition to SEO efforts. Maybe even offer promotional items as a thank-you when past clients send you referrals.

Also, don’t forget about local SEO! This strategy takes general SEO efforts and focuses it on the immediate market in your area. It uses local keywords and geotags to take your efforts one step further.

All of these tactics add up. They take a boring, unsuccessful marketing approach and make it a consistent, highly effective tool to generate new leads.

Marketing for Law Firms Made Simple

It’s one thing to get a better understanding of how digital marketing for law firms works, and another to actually put these tips to use. Thankfully, that’s why there are marketing professionals to help you.

In the same way you help clients figure out all sorts of legal issues they may not deal with every day, a marketing team can help you navigate the online world.

To discover what the right marketing approach can do for you, click here.
