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How Do I Find Templates To Create a Professional Business Proposal?

If you’ve just Googled some variation of the words, “How do you create a business proposal?”, then don’t be embarrassed. We promise that you’re in excellent company. While many colleges are now offering majors in entrepreneurship to millennials, most business owners have to teach themselves things like this as they go.

So whether you’re working on a proposal for an advertising campaign, a business plan, or a project proposal for your next great idea, you’re hardly the first to wonder how to get started, or how to make sure a proposal will be readable on tablets or smartphones. Of course, it’s not enough to simply cobble together a proposal. It’s not even enough to make a professional-looking proposal.

No, the goal here is to make a successful proposal.

The Project Proposal Goes Digital…

What’s the easiest way to make a successful proposal? Custom business proposal software.

Back when the personal computing trend was still in its infancy, most of us used basic word processing programs to create templates for these kinds of projects. But as technology advances and the Internet creeps into our daily lives, online proposal software has taken over.

Working with online proposal software allows you to create crisp, professional proposals lightening fast. And because project proposal software takes all of the busy work out of crafting your proposal, it frees up your time to focus on the research and writing that’ll ultimately make your proposal succeed.

Plus, custom online proposal software can easily produce dynamic templates for literally any kind of industry, organization, project, or campaign, like business plans, grant proposals, or advertising pitches.

How To Make a Proposal Stand Out?

While many parts of our lives are going online, many industries are slow to change. In a 2015 survey of marketers working in healthcare, fully 90% of respondents admitted that their company lacked employees with enough digital skills. By using the latest project proposal software, you can make yourself look just as impressive as your proposal.

In 2016, people have come to expect more from these types of proposals. It’s not enough to put together some strong copy and a few graphs. Now, you need to be able to seamlessly integrate multimedia elements, links, interactive elements, e-signature capability, and more.

And as if that wasn’t enough, you have to make sure your proposal can be easily read on a tablet, smartphone, and computer simultaneously. Today, nearly one in three American adults owns either a tablet or e-reader, and the average Gen Y consumer spends two hours on their smartphones daily, opening an average of six apps. Fortunately, the best online proposal software can provide all these features and more automatically, letting you focus on the project itself.
