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3 Questions You Should Be Asking Your Web Developers

In a time when almost one-third of all American adults have a tablet or an e-reader, and mobile traffic makes up around 13% of all internet traffic, it’s more important than ever to keep your web and mobile presence up to date. More often than not, a potential client will be gaining their first impression of your business from your website or mobile app, so you want to make sure that you’re prepared and equipped with the best knowledge available. When you’re in the process of hiring website designers or app game developers for your business, you may have a lot of questions, so here are a few of them that you should ask before hiring.

Is the code mine to keep? – Some firms will offer a discounted price to companies that allow them to keep sections of the code, so they can replicate them later with other projects. Make sure you know what parts of the code belong to you, otherwise, you could discover that you’ll be paying more for edits to be made to the existing code. Read the fine print, and ask the right questions to determine whether or not the code you’ll be given is legally yours to do with as you please.

How will you be determining the estimate? – Like most jobs, it’s hard to have an immediate price estimate and project schedule ready to go, over the phone. So it’s a good idea to inquire about the process behind the estimate, so you can have an idea of when you’ll be able to piece everything together. Try to find out an approximate timeline, and a ballpark price estimate. Mobile game developers will probably have more to do than custom website designers, so make sure your expectations are realistic.

What happens if I’m not satisfied? – If the work that you’re receiving isn’t quite what you hoped for, you should make sure that you have the ability to opt out. You should also make sure that you have ownership of the code that was created up until that point, so you can give your next website designers something to start from.
