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Web Apps: The Standard of Internet Usage

Google, a company which has 30% of the world’s total digital advertising market, recently came out with new guidelines for web content and design. Like many other companies, Google is shifting its emphasis to quality web design and mobile accessibility. Web content that follows these guidelines is more likely to appear on top of search page results — especially when great mobile capabilities are involved.

Why the emphasis on mobile? Simply put, mobile devices are driving up considerable Internet traffic. It is thought that mobile traffic represents 13% of global Internet use. The number of smartphone users around the world is increasing as well at an annual rate of 42%. There are already five billion mobile phone users around the world. In the United States, close to a third of all adults own a tablet or e-reader. Mobile applications for both business and personal use are on the rise and the momentum shows no signs of abating any time soon.

Web applications, however, are still the dominant way of accessing the Internet. Web applications provide interactive solutions to businesses to help them with business tasks and productivity. Content management tools, for example, help businesses create and manage their digital content such as documents, graphics, and videos. Web based applications can be accessed both in the office and at home, meaning that employees have near-unlimited access to their business tasks. Web application development companies specialize in providing customized, dynamic apps for all kinds of businesses. Large corporations and national chains are no longer the only ones that can afford app design. Recent tech innovations have made building apps a right, rather than a privilege, for those in the business world.

No matter what kind of business you run, web apps, mobile apps, and content management tools are becoming the standard rather than the exception. For more information about web apps, feel free to leave a comment or question at the bottom.
