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Web Apps: The Skinny on One of the Internet’s Fastest Growing Field

Web applications are becoming more popular and important in the web designing world. This is in part due to the widespread use of web browsers as well as the ability of using a web browser as a client (known as a “thin client”). And recently, cloud computing and storage has made using web applications even easier. Besides the availability and convenience of web applications, there is another reason, perhaps more compelling, for their rising popularity: they make big bucks.

Web applications and its associated programs rake in not millions, not billions, but trillions of dollars. In 2011, for example, $1.1 trillion of all retail sails were “web-influenced.” In general, websites with stellar web applications and blogs tend to do very well in that they receive more Internet traffic and indexing. Blogs themselves, which aren’t a recent innovation per se, give websites 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links. Needless to say, web application design is a rapidly growing field in the web development industry.

For this reason, web application development services are the perfect solution for businesses in want of better Internet features and marketing. Whether it is creating web based applications or portal solutions such as workflow management, collaboration between work groups, and policy-managed content publications, web application services can take your business, large or small, to an entirely different level.

Business applications alone can accomplish many distinguished capabilities such as invoicing, setting up content management systems, and working with the online capabilities of banks and other financial institutions. Web application designs are popular with content management systems such as WordPress. Most recently, WooCommerce, a WordPress plug-in, enables users to do everything from setting up their own online store to processing payments to managing inventory — all for free. With applications like WooCommerce popping up, it is not wonder why web application design is such a hot commodity in the business and IT worlds.
