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Why is an eCommerce Solution Important?

Did you know, according to NBC News, 131 million Americans, just about half of the nation’s population, shopped online on Black Friday 2013? While traditionally popular brick-and-mortar stores failed to meet even the most basic sales expectations, many online retailers posted record-setting profits. Take Best Buy, for example: for years, the electronics and entertainment retail giant has made out like a bandit around the holidays. However, according to CNN, the company saw its sales drop by 0.8% going into 2014.

Clearly, this points to a retail world that is increasingly online. If you want to be successful in the burgeoning Internet Age, you have to have a high-quality eCommerce solution.

Why is an eCommerce Solution So Important?

According to Forbes, American eCommerce sales grew to $262.2 billion in 2013. By 2017, that number is expected to increase to $440 billion. With such a huge amount of money being spent online, your company needs to do everything it can to optimize its website for web shoppers. The most effective way to do so is by taking eCommerce web design principles into account when building your website. If you’re struggling with eCommerce web development, here are some things to keep in mind to improve online sales.

How Can You Improve Your Website’s eCommerce Solution?

    • Build an Accessible Website for Mobile and Traditional Web Surfers

Recent statistics from Super Monitoring show that half of all mobile users — that’s half of 91% of humanity — use their mobile devices as their only source of internet. Even so, according to KissMetrics, 51% of mobile users say they’ve encountered a website that they can’t use as intended. If you want potential customers to make it to your online store and make a purchase, you need to use responsive web design. As any designer specializing in eCommerce websites can tell you, responsive design means your page will work across all platforms, greatly increasing your chance of making a sale.

    • Show Your Customers What They’re Getting

Many of the same rules used in brick-and-mortar stores should be applied in your eCommerce solution. Namely, you want similar merchandise to be categorized together and you want customers to see each product in all its glory. That’s why recommends including high-quality photos of each of your products in your web shop. No customer in their right mind is going to buy something based on a product name and a description, after all.

    • Make It Simple to Make a Purchase

As ComScore points out, consumers around the world want more convenience when shopping online. If your eCommerce solution makes it too difficult to buy your products online, it’s a lot less likely you’re going to be generating sales, so make it easy. HongKiat suggests giving your customers the options to buy a product without registering with your site. Avoiding a lengthy sign-up process can increase your sales to customers who don’t frequently shop with you. On the other hand, forcing sign-ups may drive them elsewhere.

Implementing these tips can greatly improve your eCommerce solutions and your potential revenue stream. Just keep in mind, there’s no shame in asking for help from eCommerce designers. No matter how you do it, you need to improve your eCommerce functionality immediately.
