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Oracle Annouces Plans For “CloudWorld”

If you’ve been keeping up with news surrounding Oracle, you’re probably aware of how much they’re pushing for a strong footing in cloud-based computing. As a result, they’ve acquired several large companies to help them meet this primary goal. However, one of their latest tactics was the announcement of Oracle CloudWorld, which will be a large convention of industry leaders and professionals where Oracle can demonstrate their cloud-based computing abilities. Although the world’s first CloudWorld is still over a month away, analysts and professionals are optimistic about it.

When and Where is CloudWorld?

As stated above, CloudWorld hasn’t started yet, but the first one is planned for January 15, 2013 in Dubai. It will be kicked off by none other than Oracle’s president Mark Hurd and will travel to over half a dozen cities throughout the world after the grand opening wraps up. While no one knows for sure just what type of presentations and content will be addresses here, I think it’s safe to say that Oracle plans to cover their cloud computing. They’ll likely have case studies, demonstrations, questions and answers and hands-on topics.

Oracle’s primary goal with CloudWorld is to create a fun learning environment where industry professionals can come to find out more about Oracle Cloud. The fact is that while it’s a huge business asset, some people have no clue how to use it; therefore, it’s Oracle’s job to step in and show them how it’s done. They plan to accomplish this with a comprehensive setup at Oracle CloudWorld where attendees can see first-hand just how their innovate cloud computing works.

You might be surprised to hear that there are already over 25 million Oracle Cloud users, and this number is only expected to grow in the following years. As we move towards remote data center storage, less companies are trusting their own servers for storing critical information. Not only is it safer to use cloud computing for data storage, but it’s usually more cost-effective as well. Whatever your reason for using cloud, there’s simply no alternative to Oracle.

Possibly the greatest benefit that comes along with attending CloudWorld is the numerous keynote speakers that will be giving out their professional advice. If your company relies on Oracle Cloud computing, you’ll want to take note and listen to some of these speakers, as they’ll provide critical information regarding the use of Oracle Cloud. So, be sure to check them out if you happen to attend CloudWorld.
