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Oracle Negotiates Deal With The Australian Department of Defense

It seems like Oracle is signing large-scale deals to companies and businesses everywhere you turn, but this could be one of their biggest yet. Earlier this month, Oracle announced a four-year deal that was negotiated with the Australian Department of Defense for a whopping AU$60 million. In exchange, the Australian Department of Defense would have access and use to a wide range of Oracle products and software. To learn more about this latest deal, keep reading and we’ll give you the latest scoop.

Although this deal was brokered to give the Australian Department of Defense access to hundreds of different types of Oracle software and products, there was already a deal in place which allowed them to use some of Oracle’s products. In fact, the Australian Department of Defense has come out to say that many of their systems rely on the use of Oracle products to function and run properly. So, what’s the purpose in negotiating a new deal if the Australian Department of Defense is already using Oracle’s products? Essentially, this new deal gives them greater access to more current and future Oracle products. When new Oracle products come out, the Australian Department of Defense will be at the front of the line to receive them.

Looking at this deal from the outside, one could argue that a AU$63 contract is a lot of money, even for high-end Oracle products, but you have to remember that the Australian Department of Defense is looking for “special” use of their products and software. Unlike companies who use Oracle products and services in a generic manner, the Australian Department of Defense will have to modify and make adjustments so they can implement them in their systems. In addition, Oracle has come out to say that this deal will actually lower the total costs of spent by the Australian Department of Defense on their products.

As you can expect, the Australian Department of Defense keeps details regarding their system software in close wraps. This is done to protect the nation from hackers and other cyber threats. However, they have stated that one of the reasons for the Oracle deal is to use their software on their HR systems. This is a critical element that’s necessary to protect the nation of Australia, and it’s equally important to have Oracle software backing it up. Of course this is just one of the many systems the Australian Department of Defense is using Oracle software and products on.
