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Oracle Knowledge 8.5 Released

Earlier last week, Oracle released the first major patch to their Knowledge 8.5 software since their acquisition of InQuira. This came as welcomed news to thousands of companies and business across the world utilizing Oracle’s state-of-the-art management software. Of course the previous version was completely capable of handling any and all tasks thrown at it, but there are several improvements and fixes made with version 8.5. If you’re interested in learning more about Oracle Knowledge 8.5 and what types of changes the company made, keep reading and we’ll give you the latest scoop on Oracle Knowledge.

What is Oracle Knowledge?

First and foremost, lets go over what exactly Oracle Knowledge is, as many people have never even heard of this software. As the names suggests, Oracle Knowledge is an industry-leading information and knowledge management software designed to help businesses and companies deliver first-class customer support. No matter what line of field your business is in, customer support should be one of your first priorities. When you’re there to answer any questions your customers have, they’ll take notice of this and spread the word to their friends and family members; therefore, increasing your sales and profits.

One of the key benefits to using Oracle Knowledge is that it offers a self-service customer service web application. When previous customers or visitors come to your companie’s website in search of an answer, they can use the self-service web application to try and find it. As long as you’re constantly updating the database with new combinations of questions and answers, this application should prove to be useful in most web environments.

What’s New in Oracle Knowledge 8.5?

With Knowledge 8.5, Oraclei ntroduced AnswerFlow, which is a guided troubleshooting program designed to streamline the questions and asnswers process. When it’s used correctly, AnswerFlow should help automate a number of customer service tasks for companies and business; therefore, reducing their overall cost spent on customer service. Of course AnswerFlow is just one of the many imporvements made in Oracle Knowledge 8.5.

Whether your business is big or small, chances are your customers are going to speak multiple languages. As a result, offering customer service to them can prove to be a troublesome task with the language barrier at hand. Well, Oracle has identified this problem and made a step towards fixing it with their 8.5 update of Oralce Knowledge. The software now has natural language support for over 16 different languages. This allows business to expand on the fly without worrying about the dreaded language barirer breaking down their sales.
