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Oracle Boosts Cloud Portolio With Instantis Acquisition

Last week, Oracle announced their latest acquisition of Instantis for an undisclosed amount to the press. This should come as no surprise to those who are familiar with Oracle’s business plan of widening their reach of cloud-based computing. Just a little over three months ago, Oracle purchased Skire, which is a company that handles operations similar to Instantis. Both of these companies have a strong footing in the cloud-based computing industry, and Oracle hopes these additions to their portfolio will help them remain a cloud-based leader. If you’re interested in learning more about Oracle’s acquisition of Instantis, keep reading and we’ll go over the reported details.

What Exactly Does Instantis Do?

The fact is that most people have never even heard of Instantis, let alone know what they do. While they’re responsible for a number of different operations, they primarily handle cloud-based computing and project portfolio management (PPM). When a company is planning to execute a large-scale project and needs to set it up in a methodical order, they can use the PPM software provided by Instantis. Of course this is just one of the many instances where the company’s software would prove to be useful. Other companies may use PPM software to track and analyze the details of an current or past project. Instead of basing the future of a business on assumptions, you could look back and analyze previous data through PPM software.

As stated above, Oracle also purchased Skire just months ago, which is also a supplier of PPM software. With these two companies now under their wing, I think it’s safe to say that Oracle has a strong footing in the cloud-based and project portfolio management industry. Although both of these companies will operate independently of one another, they will likely share some of their features. In turn, this will improve their overall effectiveness, giving users the best of both world’s when it comes to their PPM software.

In addition to the powerful software they’ve acquired with the Instantis purchase, Oracle also gains a new customer base. A lot of people don’t realize that clients and customers come along with acquisitions of PPM software companies. The value of a customer base isn’t something that can be put into numbers, as they will continue purchasing software licenses and services for years to come. As a result, analysts believe this is a smart move on Oracle’s part. Whether or not all of these acquisitions will pay off in the long run is something that only time will tell.
