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“Oracle Day” Held in Oman

As you may already know, Oracle’s largest convention, OpenWorld, just wrapped up for the year in San Fransisco, California. This annual event is traditionally held in San Francisco where thousands of business professionals and journalists come to see what’s in store for Oracle; however, a smaller event, Oracle Day, is held almost a world away to offer an alternative to those who can’t make OpenWorld. Oracle Day took place this past weekend in the Arab state of Sultanate of Oman, or what’s more commonly known as Oman. So, did Oracle Day live up to all the hype that surrounds their conventions? Keep reading and we’ll give you the latest scoop on it.

Because it only lasted a day, Oracle was forced to pack a lot of information inside an otherwise small time frame. According to spectators and journalists who attended the event, I think it’s safe to say Oracle successfully accomplished what they set out to achieve with Oracle Day. The primary focus of the convention was aimed at showcasing how their systems and applications could benefit IT users in Oman and the surrounding states. Although they already have a fairly strong backbone in this region, Oracle hopes to become the standard IT company here, which is why they decided to hold Oracle Day in Oman.

Along with numerous keynote speakers, Oracle also unveiled their Oracle Exadata X3 for spectators at Oracle Day. This allows for database to be used in systems based on flash instead of disk, which saves the user both time and resources. If you’re a large-scale business in need of conventional database processing,  you should consider using Oracle’s Exadata X3 for the many benefits it provides. The bottom line is that it’s a state-of-the-art development by Oracle that’s only going to improve in the years to come.

Oracle also used Oracle Day to showcase some of the company’s new mobile applications they have underway. In recent years, Oracle has spent a lot of their resources on expanding their reach in both the cloud and mobile sectors. They know the importance of having a strong presence on mobile smart phones; after all, that’s where much of the IT industry is shifting towards. Although Oracle has already released some impressive mobile applications designed for iOS and Android operating systems, they have plenty more in the works, so keep your eyes peeled to see what Oracle has in store for the future.
