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Oracle’s New GoldenGate Offers Real-Time Data Integration

There’s no denying the fact that Oracle has remained on the forefront of data software. Ever since the company’s inception over 50 years ago, they’ve been helping businesses big and small with all of their data storage needs. Once of Oracle’s latest products is GoldenGate, which offers real-time data integration, allowing businesses and users to instantly see changes made in their database go into effect. Of course this is just one of the many benefits to using Oracle’s new GoldenGate software, and here we’ll take a closer look at everything that’s included in it.

It’s important to note that all files created and used with Oracle’s GoldenGate software are in ascii text. This not only allows for smaller size files, but it also allows for quick and easy changes. As you can expect, though, there is a downside to using ascii text based files — human error. When you place multiple database engineers working on a single ascii file, it increases the chance of human error. I guess you could say that ascii is a double-edged sword in the sense that it’s small and easy to work on, but increases the chance of human error.

Currently, GoldenGate doesn’t support primary database compression, so don’t expect to be able to crunch the files down to a smaller size. Thankfully, this isn’t needed, as ascii text based files are small and take up relatively very little space. If you find yourself in need of more space, there’s probably some junk code hogging up your system’s resource. In any case, the fact that GoldenGate doesn’t allow for compression shouldn’t cause any concern.

You might be surprised to hear that Oracle’s GoldenGate software isn’t actually new, as it’s been around for a couple of years now. Oracle first introduced GoldenGate back at the 2010 OpenWorld held annually in San Francisco, California. As a result, it instantly became a hot topic by IT professionals and journalists covering the trade show. Since then, Oracle has made several improvements and changes with their GoldenGate software with dozens of updates and patches.

Earlier this month, Oracle announced their plants to offer real-time data integration with their GoldenGate software, which is likely the biggest improvement its ever seen. If you’re a GoldenGate user, this should come as welcomed news. The learning curve behind GoldenGate is somewhat steep, so don’t expect to master it after just a couple hours of playing around on the interface.
