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Oracle Announces SRM Suite

While OpenWorld was taking place in San Francisco earlier this month, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison announced plans to release Social Relationship Management (SRM) Suite. In the past, Oracle has done very little in terms of social media networking and software, but this could change the face of their business. The Social Relationship Management Suite will include programs that allows companies and businesses to engage, monitor, analyze and update their accounts on all of the leading social media networking sites simultaneously and in real-time. As you can expect, this will be a huge time saver for businesses who utilize social media networking to spread the word about their service or product.

Thankfully, Social Relationship Management Suite isn’t a standalone product that forced you to install new software on your computer or device. Oracle has stated that Social Relationship Management Suite is completely integrated with their enterprise and platform services to allow users to have more control over it. Some of the enterprise programs you’ll be able to access it through are Oracle Fusion Marketing, Oracle Fusion Sales Catalog, Oracle ATG Web Commerce and Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning.

One of the key features to Oracle’s Social Relationship Management Suite is that it allows companies to monitor and analyze their social media accounts in real-time. No longer are you forced to log into each and every one of your social media accounts to check the status of your viewers and clients. All you have to do is open up an Oracle program that’s compatible with Social Relationship Management Suite and you’ll have instant access to the information in all of your accounts.

The times are changing and if your business or company doesn’t have a presence on social media networking sites, you’re missing out on one of the most effective methods to interact and bring in new customers. People want to talk about and interact with one another on social media networking sites. Whether it’s on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, LinkedIn or any other networking site, people love to share ideas and thoughts. You can use this to your company’s advantage by creating an account and engaging with visitors. Not only can this bring in direct customers, but engaging on social media networking sites also instills trust about your business. When visitors search for your company on Google or another search engine, they may come across your social media networking page. As you can see, there are countless reasons why it’s a good idea to have a social presence.
