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Oracle Working Around The Clock To Fix Java Exploits

In an effort to prevent more users from being distributed by cyber attacks, Oracle is working around the clock to fix the exploits in the Java programming language. If you’ve kept up with news in the IT field recently, you may be aware that malicious hackers have been exploiting a flaw in Oracle’s Java language to manipulate users’ computers. Although it’s only affected a small percentage of users, it’s still important to understand how this exploit could affect you. To learn more about it, and what you can do to protect yourself, keep reading.

About The Java Exploit

The security software company Symantec recently announced that an Asian hacker group called “Nitro” was behind the first round of cyber attacks using the Java exploit. Although no one knows for sure how the hacker group acquired the information regarding Java’s exploits, it’s believed they either discovered it by themselves or purchased it from a different hacker group. However they acquired the information, it’s believed they sent out emails to various chemical companies around the world with a hyperlink attached. If the individual clicked the link after opening the email, they were taken to a webpage that automatically installed malware on their computer without their knowledge. Once on the user’s computer, the malware could secretly steal any data from the hard drive and any computers connected to the network.

As a result of these latest attacks, many internet security specialists are advising users to disable Java on their internet browsers until the problem is fixed. Since the attacks, Oracle has released several updates aimed to resolve this crisis. While some of the problems are fixed, others remain open, which is why Oracle is still working around the clock to address this matter.

How To Protect Yourself

While millions of internet users are still vulnerable to the bug, several anti-virus and anti-malware softwares have added the exploit to their database. Symantec and McAfee are two of the many softwares capable of detecting and preventing this exploitation from occurring on your computer. Even with these programs in place, it’s important to never click on email links from unknown senders. Many people make the false assumption that all webpages are safe to visit as long as you don’t download something. As the “zero day” exploit has shown us, however, users can unknowingly receive malicious software simply by visiting a webpage. Only click on links from trusted friends, co-workers or acquaintances. In addition, keep your system updated with top of the line antivirus software, such as those mentioned previously.
