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What Will Web 3.0 Be Like?

It seems like it was just yesterday when we were hearing about web 2.0, but now analysts and IT experts are talking about what’s in store for web 3.0. While there’s no way to accurately answer this question, we can still contemplate and debate as to what the future holds for the internet. To learn more about some of the possibilities for web 3.0, keep reading.

History Behind Web 1.0 and 2.0

Many individuals are confused when they hear the terms “web 1.0” and “web 2.0” being tossed around. After all, it’s not like the internet is a type of software, so what the heck does it mean? Basically, web 1.0 is defined as the first generation of the internet when sites and codes were still being built. During this stage, html, http, xml, java and other coding languages were still being established.

While there’s no one single definition for web 2.0, many individuals would say it’s the second generation of the internet that focuses around social media sites and user generated content. In recent years, sites like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Digg, Reddit, Stumbleupon and dozens of other social sites have shot through the roof in popularity. The content and connections made on these sites is said to be the emergence of web 2.0.

Predictions for Web 3.0

Where will web 3.0 take us in the future? There are a few possible scenarios for how it will play out, but perhaps one of the most plausible is with smarter search engines. As of now, Google remains the industry-leader in search engines with over 70% of searches performed within the U.S. generating from their website. In the future, there could be a new search engine that de-thrones them. Although, a more likely scenario is that Google’s search engine algorithm changes and adapts to be smarter and more sophisticated. Instead of seeing hundreds of useless results for stuff you want it, the search engine may give you exactly what you asked for, down to the location of where to find it. For instance, if you search “funny movie to see”, Google may give you some of the top comedies playing, as well as the theater and show times near you.

Another possible outcome for web 3.0 is computer to computer interaction. This is already seen in hundreds of web-based programs and codes. In the future, though, computers could essentially talk to one another, sharing information and files when necessary. Whatever the future holds for the internet, you can bet it’s going to be a game-changer!
