Why Choose Databerry?

We help businesses work faster and grow through technology solutions.
Here at Databerry, our mission is to provide the very best service, software, and solutions – with transparent, fair pricing.
We work closely with you and your team to find solutions that fit your business’ needs – and nothing more.
No upsells. Zero gimmicks. Just incomparable solutions at an undeniable value. We take great pride in knowing that our customers entrust us with their technology needs, and that trust is what keeps our customers coming back – time and time again.

A Value-First Service Model

Explore Solutions

Cost-Saving, Customized Licensing

Our licensing experts ensure you only pay for what you need

We’re great listeners, informed technicians, and incredibly thrifty when it comes to saving our customers money on licensing. No two businesses are exactly the same – so why should your software license structure be any different?

The partnerships we’ve cultivated, through years of relationship-building, afford us the opportunity to custom-tailor licensing agreements designed to give our clients the best value for their investment.

Our customer solutions team is a carefully selected group of highly trained, technically proficient, friendly-as-a-rule individuals who are more concerned with getting the right products into perfectly matched scenarios than with making a sale.

Consulting & Advisory

Informed Guidance From Trained Experts

Successful projects require well-orchestrated, informed strategies. Unsure as to exactly how to approach implementing a complex technology? We can help!

Regardless of the project, one tenant remains consistent – paying for an experienced consultant to design an iron-clad plan is far more effective than paying to repair an inexperienced technology implementation.

Databerry consulting gives you access to a concise, all-encompassing strategy that ensures that your business is fit for growth, and your technology stack is built to scale along with you.

Each Consulting & Advisory Client Receives

  • An ironclad plan you could take anywhere
  • The security in knowing that they’ve hired a seasoned consultant
  • A team willing to listen and adapt to high expectations

Professional Services

Expert implementation & deployment

When it comes to technology, there is nothing more important than peace of mind. The experienced engineers at Databerry work tirelessly to ensure that the latest technology, proven standards, and meticulous attention to detail are poured into each and every project that we take on.

Whether you’re building a web-based application, migrating to a new technology stack, implementing business automation, or anything in-between – Databerry’s Enterprise service solutions are built for scale.

Each Professional Services Client Receives

  • Incomparable service quality
  • Value-focused results
  • Long-term savings by “doing it right the first time”
  • On-time delivery

How pricing works at Databerry

Discovery Call (30 minute call)

  • Briefly get to know you and your business
  • Review the goals and requirements of your project

We Provide A Rough Estimate (1-2 business days)

  • Rough range of what is typical for projects of the size

Paid Project Blueprint (1-4 weeks)

Small Projects: 15 hours
  • Small to Medium Sales Websites
  • Small Azure or AWS Engagement
  • Small I.T. Projects
Medium Projects: 15-35 hours
  • Large Websites
  • Enterprise Azure or AWS Engagement
  • Small Custom App
  • E-Commerce Websites
Large Projects: 35+ hours
  • Enterprise Applications
  • Enterprise Websites
  • Enterprise I.T. Projects

Project Execution

  • Milestone-Driven Execution of the Blueprint
  • Periodic Progress Demos & Update Calls
  • Testing & Launch


  • 12-Month Engagement Paid Monthly or Annually
  • Covers 24/7 Monitoring
  • Framework & Security Updates
  • Minor Bug Fixes

Experience The Databerry Difference

Databerry delivers end-to-end web & mobile apps, websites, and growth focused I.T. strategy services like consulting, design, hosting selection, and support.

Through personalized service and careful attention to detail, we grow your business using the most successful digital marketing strategies available.

Experience great service firsthand with Databerry. Call us today to get started with your next project!